How to create beautiful product pictures

Photo in E-commerce

Use a good camera (or a very good smartphone)

It is very important that your pictures are of excellent quality. This way, you will ensure that they look professional and will catch the visitors’ attention. The only way to assure that is by using a very good quality camera to take the pictures. Nowadays, it is also possible to reach great results with a smartphone. That is why the first advice when taking product pictures for your e-shop is to invest in a device that will make it easy for you to reach great results.

Have a good lighting

Another good way of making sure that your pictures are true to reality is by having good lighting. It can be daylight from a window or powerful light bulbs. You just have to adjust the settings of your camera according to the lighting of the room to obtain excellent results. In order to make the most of natural light, it is important to place your equipment near the window and to use a white reflective panel in front of it to make the light bounce towards the product.

Use static background colors

Using a static background color will allow your products to be valorized and give a much more professional to touch to the end result. It’s even better if you can use a curved white background, as it gives a better idea of the volume of product. You can also use other static colors like grey.

Crop pictures to the same dimensions

Pick a size that will fit to all of the products in your catalogue. Usually this size Is somewhere between 1200pc et 1600px. These sizes are perfectly adapted to zooming and to the formats used in social media for example. Picking the same size will allow for your e-shop to look homogenized and will give a much better overall look to it.

Remove background

It is best if you remove the background of your photos in a way that only shows your product on a unicolor background. This will ensure that your products are valorized and that the visitors’ eyes will not be attracted by whatever is on the background of your pictures other than the product itself. It will make sure that the only focus is on your product. This is generally easy to do with Photoshop or services like

Adjust colours

Since the pictures are there to give your customers the closest image of what your product looks like in person, the colours have to be adjusted to what they look like in reality too. To be able to do that, you can use a grey chart. The grey chart will help you control the exposition of your pictures and manage a better balance of whites. Of course, you can always adjust your pictures’ colours using a software like Adobe Photoshop.

Build 3 different angle views of the product

As we said before, the main reason why having pictures is primordial is for the customer to be reassured regarding what they will be buying. So, the pictures have to be as true to reality as possible, while still looking nice and professional. But to give the customers what they are looking for, which is information, you have to present not one but many pictures. It is recommended that you take 3 pictures of the product from 3 different angles, in a way that will help the shopper get the best idea possible of they will buy.

Make sure to save pictures in JPG files

After taking your picture, you have to save it. This is also an important part of the process as not all formats can support a picture of any size while still keeping its quality. JPG indeed allows better results thanks to its large panel of colours and offers perfect quality and optimal weight for the web.

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